Seminar: New trends and technologies for laser processing and control
Laser technologies are becoming increasingly widespread in the industry. Their applications span from measurement- and monitoring at mundane powers, to cutting, welding and even 3D printing at higher power levels.
Course: Introduction to plastics – Focusing on injection moulding
This course is designed to provide participants with the key principles of design for manufacture and injection moulding.
Seminar: Sterilization and cleaning for sustainable medical devices
This seminar will explore critical advancements and challenges in the medical device industry. The special focus will be on sustainability, safety and compliance. Participants will explore the growing emphasis on circular design, examining how medical devices can be developed to reduce environmental impact without compromising safety. Key topics will include innovative strategies for incorporating sustainable materials, such as bioplastics and establishing effective recycling processes within a highly regulated sector.
Temadag: Sprøjtestøbning fra A-Z
Sprøjtestøbning er en af de mest anvendte metoder til fremstilling af plastemner, men processen kræver en dyb forståelse af både design, formgivning og produktion for at opnå den ønskede kvalitet. Det er afgørende at tænke over valg af konstruktion, værktøj og proces allerede i den tidlige designfase. Hvordan sikrer man, at man træffer de rette beslutninger, når mulighederne er mange, og valgene har stor betydning for det endelige resultat?
Course: A practical introduction to properties and processing of thermoplastic polymers
The wonderful world of Plastics
Course: Understanding injection molding of thermoplastics
A Practical Approach to Injection Molding of Thermoplastics
Course: Understanding mechanical properties of thermoplastics (MIMS2)
– The key to material selection, part design and performance