Professional Network in Plastics and Polymers
This is a continuation of the independent innovation network PlastNet – now a part of the Danish Materials Network. This means that as a member of DMN – PlastNet, you will have precisely the same membership advantages as previously with the added advantage of being able to participate in networking activities within AluNet and StaalNet.
PlastNet is still the network for promoting a knowledge based and innovative use of plastics and composites across different areas of the Danish industry and in collaboration with international partners.
Strengthened Competitiveness through Innovative Use of Plastic
Due to increased competition on the global market, it is essential for companies in the plastics industry to adapt to a more knowledge based and innovative production. PlastNet therefore aims to bring Danish companies to the forefront of the technological development in the plastics and polymers field and, wherever feasible, in collaboration with European partners.
PlastNet deals with all types of plastics and related production methods (thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, adhesives etc.).
PlastNet’s core activities:
- Management of collaborative plastics projects.
- Communication of knowledge about plastics through theme days, seminars, conferences, courses and vocational training.
- Professional sparring about plastics and polymer based problems.