Theme day on aluminium profiles held at Alumeco

The theme day “How can you use aluminium profiles in the most creative and “green” way for your products” was an exciting day with lots of talk and presentations about “green” aluminium.

The day started with a bit of theory about extrusion and opportunities to use the material optimally by Pasi Korhonen from Mäkelä Alu Oy. Pasi also talked about how we get as low a CO2 footprint as possible by using aluminium.

Afterwards, Anne Deacon Juhl told a little about what needs to be considered in connection with extruded surfaces in order to get an optimal solution before the surface treatment. Inspiration of the day came from Troels Grum-Schwensen from Grumdesign.

After lunch, Thomas Reeholm Due from HJ Hansen told how important it is to think about how the extruded products are to be scrapped, so that the products are as easy as possible to take apart so that recycling is as optimal as possible.

The day ended with an online presentation from Annette Hastrup from Vugge til Vugge, who talked about Cradle to Cradle Certification.

Alumeco provided good catering and, as always, a tour for those who wanted to go out and see the production.

A full version of the article and photos are available in Danish here >

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