Emballagekursus: Hvordan gøres en primær plastemballage bæredygtig?
Kurset er designet til emballageansvarlige og indkøbere i virksomheder, der arbejder med fødevarer eller kosmetik, samt til emballageproducenter, der står overfor en grøn omstillingsproces.
Bæredygtighed med fokus på plast
Plast er blevet en uundgåelig del af vores moderne liv. Der er plast overalt omkring os lige fra vores daglige indkøb til emballage, medicinske apparater og transportmidler. Men mens plast har revolutioneret vores verden med dets alsidighed og holdbarhed, har det også ført til alvorlige miljømæssige udfordringer.
Emballagekursus – Gør din fleksible emballage bæredygtig på et oplyst grundlag
Fødevareproducenterne står i dag overfor store udfordringer, når det gælder valg af emballage til pakning af fødevarer.
Kursus: GPS som fælles sprog
På kurset “GPS som fælles sprog” lærer deltagerne de grundlæggende tanker og metoder bag GPS-systemet. Målet er at få deltagerne til at ”tale samme sprog”, når det drejer sig om beskrivelsen af krav til funktion, produktion og inspektion af et emne.
Course: Introduction to Plastics – Focusing on Injection Moulding
This course is designed to provide participants with the key principles of design for manufacture and injection moulding.
Participants follow the life cycle of a part from initial design to mould tooling and finally manufacture.
Course: A Practical Introduction to Properties and Processing of Thermoplastic Polymers
Get a comprehensive introduction to polymers, their behavior, the basics of processing along with environmental aspects at this new course (BIMS-0), which is ideal for newcomers in the field of plastics (freshly out of school or switching jobs from a non-plastic related activity).
Course: Understanding Mechanical Properties of Thermoplastics
– The key to material selection, part design and performance
Corrosion control for a greener world – A short course on theory and practice
The idea of this corrosion course is to provide a good theoretical and practical understanding of corrosion, and how corrosion can be identified, monitored, and controlled using a combination of lectures and hands-on experimental sessions.
Plastkursus – Grundlæggende viden om plast
Kurset henvender sig til produktionsmedarbejdere, indkøbere, sælgere, kvalitetsansvarlige og andre i plastindustrien, der er interesserede i en grundlæggende gennemgang af, hvad plast og polymere egentligt er.
Seminar: Corrosion protecting paints and coatings
The effectiveness of corrosion protection provided by paints and coatings cannot be fully evaluated solely through acceptance inspections of the finished coating.
Course: Corrosion Management and Failure Analysis: Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC)
The course will cover basic corrosion management principles, basic MIC mechanisms, use of molecular microbiological methods (MMM) in diagnosing and managing MIC, selection of MIC mitigation methods, selection and interpretation of MIC monitoring methods, case studies demonstrating MIC diagnostic tools, failure analysis principles, MIC modelling and demonstrate applicable sampling techniques and equipment.
Recycling Technologies – Course 1
There are various methods for recycling plastic, including mechanical recycling and chemical recycling. During the course, experts will review these technologies and identify which technologies are best suited for different types of plastics.
Digital Product Passport – Course 2
Legislation on digital product passports introduces a new era of transparency and accountability in consumer goods. These digital documents are comprehensive records that detail a product’s journey from inception to end-of-life (disposal).
Course: A practical introduction to properties and processing of thermoplastic polymers
The wonderful world of Plastics
Course: Understanding injection molding of thermoplastics
A Practical Approach to Injection Molding of Thermoplastics