Sustainable corrosion protection
Seminar topics
Corrosion does not only result in defective materials and unnecessary costs, but also in unnecessary usage of resources. Thereby corrosion can have a negative impact on our environment, climate, as well as human health.
This seminar focuses on new developments in the field of:
- Sustainable corrosion protection
- Aspects like biodegradable coatings
- Corrosion protections through digitization
- Corrosion prevention through design and the usage of recycled materials
Target audience
This course is intended for you who work with strategic planning of both new construction and maintenance – e.g Engineers, Technical Consultants, Architects, “Caseworkers” in Technical Administrations, etc. – or are a business partners who might have a desire or direct requirement to work with low climate footprint, e.g. during transportation and production, longevity, recycling, or perhaps even sustainability certification.
As a member of the DMN you can participate to a discounted membership price.
See program and sign up here >
Ved at afgive dine personlige oplysninger til arrangementet accepterer du at modtage nyhedsbreve fra Dansk Materiale Netværk, og at dit navn og din virksomhed kommer på arrangementets deltagerliste, som er synlig for dette arrangements deltagere. Læs mere om, hvad vi bruger dine oplysninger til: Datapolitik >