Material Characterization – Textural Properties Effect on Product Development
På vegne af vores medlem Teknologisk Institut annonceres dette arrangement:
This workshop will give you the information you need about textural properties such as porosity and surface area and how it can affect your product. You will
hear about relevant analysis techniques – and guess what? It is for free!
Pore size and pore volume distribution as well as surface area of a material are crucial parameters within many applications, such as pharma & medico and
batteries. And with the correct analysis technique it can improve your product.
Ved at afgive dine personlige oplysninger til arrangementet accepterer du at modtage nyhedsbreve fra Dansk Materiale Netværk, og at dit navn og din virksomhed kommer på arrangementets deltagerliste, som er synlig for dette arrangements deltagere. Læs mere om, hvad vi bruger dine oplysninger til: Datapolitik >